[EASIEST WAY] Install Multiple Program at Once Using Command Prompt-2023

You bought a new system or clean your system and then installed the latest operating system Windows 11, setting of your system again requires a lot of time to install because of useless and annoying permissions and some processes which users need to do to install, but from now you can easily install multiple application at once.

In this article of TechDevilZone, you are going to see all possible best ways to “Install multiple programs at once on Windows 11/10 using command prompt“. There are a bunch of ways through which you can install multiple apps, but all of them are not safe, user-friendly, even some loaded with Ads.

Here, you see How to install multiple apps at once on both Windows 10 & 11 using command prompt

First, we start with Windows 11,

How to Install Multiple Apps at once on Windows 11 Using Winget


If you have Windows 11 operating system you don’t need to download any third-party software or something else, Windows 11 comes with Microsoft Windows Package Manager which is used to install multiple apps on your Windows 11 system at once using a command line.

Step 1: Click Start of Windows 11, search for ‘command prompt‘ and do right-click on it and select option ‘Run as administrator‘.

Step 2: After opening a command prompt, enter the below command on the prompt to search your application.

winget search "Application Name"

eg: winget search "Google Chrome"
eg: winget search adobe

In place of “Application Name” enter that app name which you want to install.

Note: In the above command, a quotation is required only when there is a space between application names.

Now, the command prompt asks you that you agree to all the agreements. Press the ‘Y‘ button on your keyboard and press Enter button.

Step 3: Now, Winget search for the application. You get the ID of that app note that.

Step 4: After getting the App IDs of your application, you need to enter the below command:

winget set up --id=APP ID 1 -e && winget set up --id=APP ID 2 -e && winget set up --id=APP ID 3 -e

eg: winget install --id=Microsoft.Edge.Dev -e && winget install --id=Mozilla.Firefox -e && winget install --id=Google.Chrome.Dev -e

The above command installs Edge, Firefox, and Chrome browser at once on your Windows 11.

You just need the ID of another application that you want to install, to get an ID to follow ‘step 2‘.

You can also use this method on Windows 10 to install multiple programs at once but for that, you need to install multiple packages, How to install Multiple packages on Windows 10 to use Winget.

Install multi-program at once which works on both Windows 10 & 11.


We are starting as a techy guy, Chocolatey is one of the packages that offer most of the required features. It also offers a graphical interface and it is more powerful and efficient because it is a command-line tool.

Chocolatey is free to use, includes basic essential packages like Google Chrome, Firefox, VLC, Media Player, etc. Chocolatey works on both Windows 10 and Windows 11, and you can easily install multiple apps quickly.

How to Install Multiple Apps using Chocolatey on Windows 10 & 11

Let’s start with downloading and installing chocolatey.

Step 1: Open the command prompt, do right-click on the command prompt, and select ‘Run as administrator‘.

Step 2: Now copy the below code and paste it to your command prompt.

@"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"

Step 3: Now, your Chocolatey get installed, to test it run the package manager by typing the below command

choco -?

If you get output as shown in the image then you are good to go…

Now, Install Chocolatey GUI:

Now install Chocolately GUI just by following the below steps:

Step 1: Search command prompt, and open with “administrator“.

Step 2: Run “choco install chocolateygui” in the command prompt.


Step 3: If all things went well, you see the above image like in your command prompt.

Install a single app using Chocolatey

Step 1: Open your command prompt with ‘administrator‘ rights.

Step 2: Type the below command to get all applications or packages related to your ‘NAME‘ (replace ‘NAME’ with any search query).

choco list NAME

This command shows you a list of all similar packages as your NAME.

For installation, follow the below commands

choco install NAME

eg: choco install GoogleChrome

This command installs an application but this is for a single application. While installing if it asked for some permission just click ‘y‘ to resume the installation process.

To install multiple apps or package you need to type the below commands on your command prompt.

choco install NAME1 NAME2

eg: choco install GoogleChrome Adobe

You can add as many applications you want to install at one just put that application name, after searching it (we discussed above how to find apps name).

How to Install from Chocolatey GUI

If you are a beginner or non-techy guy then also you can install multi-programs without using the command line. Just follow the below steps:

Step 1: Open the Start menu, search for ‘Chocolatey GUI‘ and run it.

Step 2: Now your ‘Chocolatey GUI’ gets opened, click on ‘Chocolatey‘ present in the left pane.

Step 3: Now enter your application name in the search field present at the top.

Step 4: Choose your application from the search results. To install, do right-click on your preferred application and select ‘Install‘.


Its downloads and install the package for you and you don’t need to do anything further, just start using your application.

How to Update Package/apps Using Chocolatey GUI

Chocolatey GUI works perfectly for everything from installing to updating, reinstalling, and uninstalling that package or application. You can update single or multiple apps at once by using Chocolatey GUI, let’s see how to do it,

Update Single package:

Step 1: Open your ‘Chocolatey GUI‘ (we discussed above how to open it), click on ‘This PC” on the left pane and you will see all installed packages.

Step 2: Do right-click on any package that you want to update and select ‘Update‘ from options.

To uninstall or reinstall packages, just follow the above method, and in ‘Step 2‘ choose the option ‘Uninstall‘ or ‘Reinstall’ instead of choosing ‘Update‘.

Chocolatey immediately download and installed the latest version of that application present on the web surface.

Update Multiple Package

Now to update multiple packages/apps:

Step 1: Open your Chocolatey GUI, click on ‘This PC‘ present on the left pane it loads all installed applications on your system.

Step 2: Now on the top-right corner of Chocolatey GUI, you can see different options,

  • First one is to ‘Checking outdated package
  • Second one is to ‘Refresh packages
  • And third one is to ‘To update packages‘.

Step 3: Click on ‘Update all package‘ which is the third one from the left to update all installed packages at once.

This is all from installing multiple packages by using the command line to installing, updating multiple packages from Chocolatey GUI from every user belonging to a tech or non-tech background.

Now let’s take a look at the best third-party application/software which helps you to install multiple apps.



Ninite is another popular and simplest that gives you the service of installing multiple apps at once. It is popular because of its friendly and simple interface.

Step 1: Visit Ninite Offical website.

Step 2: Scroll down and you see a list of the most popular, efficient application that users need on a daily basis.

Step 3: Click on the checkbox that you want to install and scroll to the bottom, click on ‘Get Your Ninite‘.

Step 4: Your Ninite starts downloading, after downloading open the “.exe” file. Select ‘Yes‘ when prompted.

Step 5: Now this starts downloading and installing all apps that you chose.

Step 6: After installation of all apps, Exit the installer.

That’s it for Ninite to install multiple apps on Windows 10/11.

In our TechDevilZone, we already shared a list of the best software to install multiple apps at once.


In this guide, you see the 3 best ways, Winget, Chocolatey, and Ninite to Install multiprogram at once on your Windows 10/11 operating system. If you faced any issue while following the above method to install application/software at once, do comment in a comment section.


Which one is the best method from above to try out?

Chocolatey is a much, much better method as compared to others because of better catalog, speed, no external software required. Just enter a few commands and you can easily install all applications.
Chocolatey is for every type of user techy or non-techy, for techy guys you have a command line to install multi-programs while for non-techy you get Chocolatey GUI to install multi-apps. Above we discussed this in brief.

How to Install multiple applications with Powershell?

You are talking about installing multi-program at once using PowerShell then I can assume you’re a techy guy and you know about commands. Use the below command:
Get-Url http://dl.google.com/chrome/install/375.126/chrome_installer.exe c:\temp\chrome_installer.exe
Start-Process -FilePath ‘c:\temp\chrome_installer.exe
” -ArgumentList ‘/silent‘, ‘/install‘ -Wait
Start-Process -FilePath ‘C:\temp\DifferentProgram.exe‘ -ArgumentList ‘/argument‘ -Wait”

Here in this command, Start-Process launch the installer for chrome and then wait because of command wait for the window to close before running the second Start-Process. Replace .exe with your application 🙂 (If don’t know about this then you’re not that level of techy guy, stay away from it!!)

How to find installed apps using the command prompt?

Open Command prompt as an administrator, In the prompt type command, ‘specify‘ and hit enter. Now enter the command ‘/output:C:\InstalledPrograms.txt product get name,version‘ and hit Enter. It gives a list of all installed program names with their version.
You can find this list in your local disk C.

I hope this article helped you!

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