5+ Methods How to View Hidden Files & folders in Windows 10-2023

Window 10 comes with a lot of files as compared to what it shows in File Explorer. So, the question arises, where those files are? Why they are not visible? Actually, Window 10 comes with a feature of hiding files, your system also hides these files because of some reason. However, you can access them just by doing some changes to your system.

In this article, you are going to see “How to view/show hidden files & folders in Window 10“, once you made this setting to show hidden files you’ll find every hidden file and make them available ready to use in your files and folders.

Method 1

Use File Explorer to show hidden files in Windows 10

Step 1: Select the “Start” button, then open “File Explorer” by searching it.

Step 2: Now, on top of File Explorer you can see the “view” section.

Step 3: Check the “Hidden items” box to view hidden items.


This is the easiest method to find hidden files in your system to unhide all hidden files and folders in Windows 10.

Method 2

Use Control Panel to show hidden files in Window 10

Step 1: Click on “Start“, search for “Control Panel“, and open it.

Step 2: Select “Appearance and Personalization” in the control panel, then select “File Explorer Options

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Step 3: Now, new window pop-ups, select the “view” tab.

Step 4: Now you scroll a little bit and find the “Hide find and folders” option, their select box “Show hidden files, folders and drives” or you can either uncheck “Hide protected operating system files” as well.


Step 5: Now, click on “Apply” and close that window box.

This is the second-best way to un-hide any hidden files even protected operating system files in Windows 10.

Method 3

Use Registry to unhide hidden files in window 10

Step 1: Select “Window key + R” to open the “Run” dialog box.

Step 2: Type “regedit“, then press “Enter“.


Step 3: Now, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>Windows>CurrentVersion>Explorer>Advanced

Step 4: Now, set the value of “Hidden” to ‘1’ which starts showing hidden files, folders, and drives. If you want to hide these files, folders, and drives set the value of “Hidden” to ‘2’.

view hidden files using regedit

Step 5: Want to see protected hidden operating system files? Set the value of “ShowSuperHidden” to ‘1’ and to hide them set its value to ‘2’.

Method 4

Show hidden files in window 10 using command prompt (cmd)

Step 1: Press “Window key+r” to open the run box, type “cmd” and open the command prompt.

Step 2: Now in command prompt type, “attrib -h -r -s /s /d E:\*.*” and press ‘Enter‘ button. It un-hide all files, folders in this drive, E is the drive name so you can change it to your drive.


Understand the above command in brief:

-h : It clears the hidden files attributes to how hidden files.

-r : It clears the Read-only files to attribute to allow you to modify the files after they show.

-s : It clear system file attribute.

/s : It is used to apply attrib and any command-line options to matching files in the current directory and all of its subdirectories.

/d : It applies attrib and any command-line option to directories.

Method 5

Use command prompt to access specific hidden files

Step 1: Open command prompt.

Step 2: Now, navigate to specific hidden files. e.g: if your specific hidden files path is “C:\users\admin\desktop\TechDevilZone\TechDevilZone.txt” then navigate to “C:\users\admin\desktop\“.

Step 3: Now, attrib: h TechDevilZone. This open every hidden files in TechDevilZone folder.


Note: TechDevilZone is folder name and TechDevilZone.txt is a hidden file.

Method 5 is Done as well.


These are the best ways to access the hidden files and folders in Windows 10. I hope in this article you learn from basics to the advanced level of hiding any files in Windows 10 and view all hidden files and folders of Windows 10. If you have any queries, let us know in the comment section.

FAQs on Show hidden files in Windows 10

Why should you have to hide files?

This is your system ad you definitely want anyone can see your private files which have your financial reports, private information, your family details, and many more. That makes you hide files, folders in our system.

How to show hidden files in Windows 10?

There are many ways to do this some are hard and some are easy to do it. We discussed all of them in this article, total 5 ways to do it.
> File Explorer
> Control Panel
> Registry
> Command prompt, In which we discussed 2 ways, one is hard and one is easy.

What actually hidden files in Windows 10 mean?

As it is named “hidden files”, it is filed which are hidden as compared to other files which are easily visible to any person who is using your system. It helps us to maintain our privacy, and some operating system files are already hidden in your system.

Which method do I personally prefer?

It mainly depends on which type of files you want to see, to just see normally hidden files use 1 Method, and if want to see hidden files of the operating system use the control panel method which is 2 Method. At last, if you are a person which likes a Linux environment then choose command prompt methods.

I hope this article helped you!

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