How to reopen/restore an Accidentally Closed tab in a PC Browser 2023

There is nothing worse than accidentally closing your web browser tab in which you’re doing your important work. Here you see “How to reopen an accidentally closed tab in Windows web browser“.

By mistake, you closed the tab of your web browser, and now want to start that unintentionally closed tab but you don’t know how to do it. Then in this article, you’re going to see all the best ways to open closed tabs in your web browser without losing any type of data.

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Opera is the browser that first come up with this feature of recovering accidentally closed tabs, but later on added by other browsers as well.

This is one of the best features in a browser where you recovered mistaken closed tabs. I know if your tab gets closed by mistake which carries important information, unfinished form, is really very annoying.

How to recover mistaken deleted tabs in top web browser

Google Chrome

Method 1: Chrome has a feature if you are using Google Chrome and somehow your system get closed due to low power or by any other issues. Later on, when you open chrome browser, there is a pop on the right side of your browser with an option of “Restore closed tabs” click on it, and your all tab gets recovered instantly.

Method 2: If you closed a browser in which your system is still “ON” then there is a lot of chances that the pop-up does not come, at that moment press “ctrl+shift+T ” on your keyboard which reopen the closed tab.

Also Read: Chrome Browser secret tricks 2023

Method 3: There is another way to do it, if you can’t manage to open a closed tab from the above 2 methods then, open chrome browser and do a right-click over a tab or right-click on clear areas of the tab bar, and select “Reopen closed tab” option.

Method 4: At last, click on the right-side 3 dots, then click on the “history” option, now you can see an option “Recently closed” at the top, click on it and it opens your all recently closed tabs.


Method 5 (Best): In this method you’re going to change the setting of our chrome browser, click on the menu (3 dots present on the right-top side) > go to settings > Scroll to the bottom until you found ‘On Startups‘ > select 2 option ( Continue where I left off).


To avoid navigating in settings, just search in a chrome browser settings section by typing “start“.


Firefox is one of the best browsers used for browsing, that’s why you need to see “how to open recently closed tab on Firefox” in these browsers as well.


Method 1: Do Right-click on the tab bar, menu get pop-up, and choose the option “Under Close Tab“. It opened all recently closed tabs in your Firefox browser.

Method 2: There is always a shortcut key to do some more used tasks, same here also. To recover recently closed tabs in the Firefox browser, press “ctrl+shift+T” on your keyboard.

Method 3: In this method to open recently closed tabs on your Firefox browser, click on the menu button (3 horizontal lines) to see all menu options, then click on the “History” icon, and at the top you can see the option “Restore Closed Tabs” click on it and it opens your recently closed tabs. You can also open a recently closed Window just by following the above steps, but here select “Recently Closed Window“.

Method 4: In this method, you’re going to change settings, open Firefox, and navigate to settings, there you see the Startup label, which selects “Restore previous session“. It makes your Firefox browser start with previous sessions.



In an opera web browser, it is easy to open closed web tabs.

Method 1: Do a right-click on the opera browser tab bar and choose “Reopen last closed tab” from the option. That’s it, it is very easy to do but if that doesn’t work for you then knowing other methods will always help.

Method 2: In Opera shortcut key to open mistakenly closed tabs is “ctrl+shift+T “, just press these keys on your keyboard to restore recently closed all tabs on your Opera web browser.

Method 3: This is a way in which you have to open a closed window using “History“, to open the history of your Opera browser and navigate to Menu (present left top side in opera) > select History or just by using shortcut key “Ctrl + H“.

Internet Explorer

Now let’s see this browser also comes with windows pre-installed, as all browsers have almost the same options to restore closed tabs in the web browser.

Method 1: Do a Right-click over a tab in Internet Explorer and select the “Reopen closed tab” option which reopens accidentally closed tabs.

Method 2: The shortcut key is “ctrl+shift+T ” to open recently closed tabs in Internet Explorer.

Follow the same steps you saw above in other browsers, all browsers have almost the same way to open recently closed tabs.

Now you are done with all methods through which anyone, now you can open recently accidentally closed tabs from browsers. TechDevilZone all major browsers but if you’re using other fastest and best browsers for windows 10/11, like brave browsers. Then just repeat the above steps and you successfully recover these tabs.


These are the best and easiest ways to reopen accidentally deleted files in a windows web browser. I believed now you confidently reopen tabs that are closed accidentally by you or someone else, with no fear of losing data, not any panic situation. Many people don’t know about this feature so share it with your friends 🙂


Most used Shortcut keys of chrome browser?

Open New Tab : ctrl + T
Open New Window: ctrl + N
Open New Incognito Window: ctrl+shift+N

What is a browser and how does it work?

Browser a web browser is a platform that takes you anywhere on the internet. It retrieves information from other parts of the web and displays it on your system.

The fastest way to restore accidentally closed tabs in browsers?

Press “ctrl+shift+T” on windows to recover and for mac press keys “commands+shift+T“.

I hope this article helped you!

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