Your friends, relatives use your computer every time they come to your place? Then they probably open your private files, and you want them to not access these files for that create a guest account on your Windows 10. In this article, you are going to see a good solution in which you’ll learn “How to create a guest account in Window 10“.
Window 10 has a dedicated guest account that is used to make your private data safe. Guest accounts also get limited access, so, anyone who logged in guest account gets only read access, couldn’t set up software, or change system options. It has very limited files to access.
In Windows 10, local accounts won’t stop guests’ accounts to change your computer’s settings. Window 10 doesn’t allow you to make a guest account normally with a feature of only read access. But you can do it just by using the command prompt to create a guest account normally with reading access only.
Table of Contents
How to create a New Standard Account in Windows 10?
This is the first method that you’re going to see,
Step 1: Do a right-click on the start menu and select “run“.
Step 2: After opening the Run dialog box, type “control userpasswords2” and open it.
Step 3: Now, User Accounts get open there you see a list of existing user accounts on your computer.
Step 4: Now, select the “Add” option to it and add a new user.
Also read: How to View Hidden files/folder in Windows 10
Step 5: Now, the next new window asks you to enter the Microsoft account of that user but here we are creating a local user so you have to choose the option “Sign in without a Microsoft account” present at the bottom of that window.
Step 6: Now, select “Local account” from the bottom.
Step 7: In the “User name” box type the account name you want to create, choose the name for your guest persons. You can also add a password to that account, which enhances the security of that account. Atlast, click “Next” to complete the account.
Step 8: Click on the “Finish” button to exit the Add a user window.
After finishing this setup, you get redirected back to the “User Accounts” window. Now, there you can see an additional user get added.
By default, the “Visitor” account is a member of the “Users” group. The account you create is standard account now you need to convert it to a guest account.
How to convert standard user account to a guest user account using Window 10?
As you have seen, the above account is a standard account. The standard account is an account that has much more permission than a guest user account. Now to remove extra permission just follow the below steps:
Step 1: Click on “Visitor account” in User Accounts Window.
Step 2: After selecting an account, click on “Properties“.
Step 3: Now, select the “Group Membership” tab present on top of the window. Click on the radio button next to “Other“, in the drop-down selection box, and choose “Guests” options.
Step 4: At last, click on the “OK” button to complete user accounts.
Amazing, you successfully converted the standard user account to a guest user account in Windows 10.
How to add Guest account using command prompt in Windows 10?
This method of creating an account in windows 10 is the fastest method. You can make directly a guest account in Windows 10 just by using the command prompt.
Using Command Prompt:
The command prompt manipulates the window’s code to create a new account by removing it from the list of users and adding it to the guest account.
Step 1: Open your command prompt with an administrator privilege but select the “Run as administrator” option.
Step 2: Use the command “net user” to create an account, removing, and modifying it with a command line.
To add an account:
net user TechDevilZone /add /active:yes
To delete an account:
net user TechDevilZone /delete
To move user account to Guest group:
net localgroup guests TechDevilZone /add
Note: There is no space between commands
Here, you completed creating a new guest account on your Windows 10 system using command prompt.
If you want, to see more about the account details use the below commands:
net user TechDevilZone
How to add Guest account in Window 10 using PowerShell?
Here in PowerShell, you are going to use a different command as compared to what you used in the command prompt in the above section,
Step 1: Open Powershell, by selecting “Run as administrator” or do a right-click on the Start button and select “Windows PowerShell(Admin)”.
Step 2: Adding a member:
Type, “New-LocalUser” then it asked to enter Name and password do it and it makes your Local account but not Guest with no access.
Now for an account with only Guest access, type
New-LocalUser -Name -NoPassword | Add-LocalGroupMember -Group Guests
To make sure that you successfully create a account type,
Get-LocalGroupMember -Group Guests -Member
You can also see screenshots to clearout, how to use these commands.
How to make a guest account in Window 10 using settings?
Step 1: Click on the Start button, type “settings“, and open it.
Step 2: Now Select “Accounts“
Step 3: Then select “Family & other uses” from the left side.
Step 4: Then you can add a family member as a guest or someone from another over the internet to access your system.
How to Access the Visitor accounts?
If you’re currently using your account which is an administrator account, to switch it go to Start Menu and log into a guest account.
Just by doing this you immediately log into the Guest User Account, without asking for any password.
Now, you can safely share your computer with any person without any risk of leaking personal data. Guest account users are easily able to get access to the internet but can’t make any changes and are not able to install programs and access your files.
Is Windows 10 have a built-in guest account?
Windows 10 doesn’t have built-in access to create a guest account, but you can add accounts for local users and those local accounts can’t make any changes to your main computer settings.
By using the command prompt, PowerShell, settings and make account from standard to guest account.
Is the Windows guest account is enabled by default?
No, the guest account is disabled by default, you can make an account by following the above methods. While the guest account has very limited access and permission to do configuration on system main settings.
How to turn on the guest mode in Windows 10?
You can enable a guest account just by using the above methods, like settings, command prompt, PowerShell. You can follow the above methods to enable guest mode on Windows 10.
I hope this article helped you!
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