[Get PDF] Advanced Google Dork list | Hacking Database(Search Tricks)-2023

Google is the most advanced search engine. It is a solution to every kind of problem you think about. Google collects data from all over the world, to serve it for their audience. Google keeps updating their data which makes them rank top in Best Search Engines.

There are many tricks to get the exact results we want to find the exact search engine but many users didn’t familiar with it. That makes me write this article to make people aware of “Best Google Search Tricks 2023“.

Tricks you are going to see in the article are officially called “Google Dorks” some people are called it ‘Google Hacking Techniques’, ‘Smart Searching’ etc. This is a technique in which you can find things in search engines in very easy and efficient ways.

First, look to Google Search Tips to get more accurate results.

1. Search By Voice


Google is now searching content with the ‘voice search‘ option. It searches about your problems with voice commands instead of typing. You just need to tap on the mic icon and say your problem whose solution you want to know. Now Google shows you a solution of exactly what you want to get. It is a best-searching way without any spelling mistake. Worked perfectly on every platform.

2. Search By Location

To make your search simple and look for accurate searches then adding a city or postal code at the end of your search query is the best idea to get the exact result you want to find. So this Google Search Tips is going to give you more accurate results.

3. Search By Images

Google has various search options, one of them is searching it by images is one of the options. Many users are not aware of this option to do searching by Images only. You can do it by clicking on the camera icon in the search box images and pasting the URL or just uploading pictures from your system.

4. Search By Keywords

Searching for anything by using keywords is much better than other ways to search and it is preferred by many users. Keywords give you better results than any other option of searching anything in Google. This is Best Searching Tip to get your results.

You searched for something but you did not get exact results according to your search, that is what you’re going to see in this article, the best ways to make your keywords combination and get the exact results you want.

Here you are going to see a bunch of cool google dorks that you can type in Google Search to get your exact results. These are definitely going to help you in your search results. I suggest you to try each below example once

#1 Search the Specific Website

This is one of the most used Google dorks tricks used by people even also me.

site:TechDevilZone.com Best Temporary Emails of 2023

In the above example, Google searches on-site(Techdevilzone.com) about Best temporary emails. ‘Best Temporary Emails of 2023‘ is a keyword that I want to search on this website.

You get results related to that domain only. Don’t worry to add www or any other prefix.

#2 Search the Exact Word

If you want to get the result of the exact word, not something else, to do it just put quotes around your specific keywords. You can also add other keywords besides quotes to get results related to this keyword as well.

"Best Chatbots for website" TechDevilZone

In this search result, you definitely going to get results regarding Best Chatbots for your website with the word ‘TechDevilZone’.

#3 Exclude the word

It happens sometimes you want to search for something but as result, you get some other word result that you don’t want in your search result. At that moment, you can use the minus symbol.

Microsoft windows-10

In the above example, it searches for the keyword ‘Microsoft windows‘ but does not include 10‘ in it.

Note: No space include between the minus symbol and the words.

#4 Search for the Missing Word

You can use asterisks (*) to get a missing word. You get interesting results after adding asterisks, google suggestions give you results of missing or things you want to search for.

World best * and *

The above search definitely gives you result that include ‘World best‘, ‘and‘ in search engine.

If you know one website and want to find out more websites related to that site for that you can use the ‘related‘ word followed by a colon, then website URL and now in the search engine, you get a lot of websites related to that specific site.


#6 Google Dictionary

Google comes with a built-in dictionary. This is a cool trick which I also find out now while doing deep researching on Google dorks and this google dork which I thought should be present in the article.

Sometimes to search about some word we type ‘what is hardware‘ but from now just type define before your searching keyword.

define hardware

If you replace defined a word with etymology you get a history of that word.

etymology hardware

#7 Find time of any location

If you want to find the exact time of any country just type time and that place name. You can use city name, country name, and other things as well.

time United State

#8 Find Stock Price

If you want to find any stock price immediately without wasting time or visiting any special sites. Just type the symbol into Google, and you’ll get all the market summaries.


#9 Use Calculator in Google

Sometimes you need to solve many questions including complex things like parentheses and functions to get results. This is best for students.

You get calculator mode in Google to do actual calculations.


#10 Conversing using the world

If you want to convert a unit you can do it just by using the word, immediately google convert it and you get your result.

3 feet to km

After the above google dork, the conversion table comes and you can do more conversions.

#11 Nutritional Information

With Google tricks or dorks, you can also get nutritional information.

how much calories in milk

The above dork gives you results that you want to know through search engines. You can substitute different things like protein instead of calories and much more.

#12 Get a random number from Google

Just type the below keyword to get a random number from Google.

roll a dice

Now, you are going to see good animation.

You can get coin animation by typing the below example.

flip a coin

Search random numbers between any range

Random number between 1 and 20

#13 Use OR to get both sets of results

You can use OR, search to get both results together.

cars OR bike

#14 Search for the exact title

If you want to search for something and want to make sure that exactly those words come in the title of pages in your search result.

You are going to search by using a colon, if it’s over one word so you can want to put quotes around it.

intitle:"Devil Hacker"

The above example gives results related to all pages whose titles contain words that are present between the quotes. If you didn’t add ‘intitle‘ you get different results.

#15 Narrow your Search by Location

You can search according to location followed by a colon.

Best Emails Location: Boston

The above example gives results related to that area only.

#16 Find location from the area code

You get a phone call from an area code that you don’t recognize or for any other purpose. If you need to find geographical location from area code.

area code 609

Same work for zip code. You will get a location on the map as well.

#17 Find Zip code from address

You want a zip code and you have an address, you can easily able to find out by this Google dork/trick. Just enter a complete address in the google search engine.

#18 General information but Important

You can search for tons of information on Google. You can search for sport’s screen, movies time, flight, weather, etc.


Here, we search for a flight by just flight number and you can see detailed information about the flight, find out times and more information easily.

#19 Using timer on Google

You can set a timer by using Google. Just by typing as seen in the below example.

set timer for 10 minutes

There is stopwatch functionality in the google app.

#20 Finding a specific day

Google also tells you direct answers, if you want to know what happened on this date.

Memorial day 2023

#21 Google Tools

This is a trick that many people don’t know but is especially used by freelancers. It’s very useful when searching for news.

Click on Tools, then on Any time select time whose result you want to which period.

The main search page of Google is, of course, Google.com. but to go into advanced search engines, type the below URL in the address bar.


When you visit, you can see a lot of things we just talked about it. This is very useful if you’re doing some research on any topic.

Also read: Chrome Browser Secret Tricks & Tips 2023

#23 Google Crisis Map

A lot of many people don’t know about, what is Google Crisis map site is:

URL: Google.org/crisismap

It shows all areas that are suffering from any type of crisis, like wildfires, and warnings.

You can move around the world with the help of a map and zoom in and see specific information about different areas.

#24 Finding Paid PDF in Free

If you want to look for PDFs that are paid or free on Amazon or any book store then this specially google dork/tricks work perfectly to give you that pdf.

I used this dork many times to get Paid PDF for Free.

Rich and Poor filetype:pdf

This trick gives you all PDF files named Rich and Poor.

#25 Google Sky

This is outstanding to see the sky map, see the history of stars where they are placed. You can see in the Infrared, Microwave, and Historical option your all-sky star’s position.

URL: Google.com/sky

You have also a Google Moon map and mars too.

#26 Search Specific article URL with your keyword

URL and title of any article represent what this article is about. Google understands all things which make your search more effective.


Now after typing the above example google search for all article’s URL that contains ‘techdevilzone‘ keyword and it shows you the result.

If you want to find any article related to keywords in its anchor text, then Google provides you an option of finding this with a trick.


#28 Play Tic Toe in Google

Google is not all about knowledge or study, it also provides you entertainment. You can play a lot of games on it.

Play Tic Tac Toe

After you type, Google starts offering to play without navigating you to any other website or going through any advertisements.

#29 Flight details

If you want to find the best flight details just use this way to get the perfect flight for yourself.

city to city

#30 Get exact Sunrise/Sunset time

If you want to know the exact sunrise and sunset time of your city, just use below Google trick or dork below to get results immediately.

sunset sunrise Boston

#31 Show weather forecast

Google can show you the forecast of any city without redirecting you to another website. Just use below dork/trick.

Boston forecast

#32 Linux Terminal on Google

If you are a Linux terminal fan, then this trick lets you enjoy Google like a Linux Terminal.

#33 Info of a website

If you want to find details of any website just use this trick, you get a cached version of a web page, a similar web page, change the page that links to that site.


#34 Get your IP address

This is a most used trick that I personally used, you use VPNs many times but they really change your location you can check it by using the below trick.

What is my ip

#35 Search “Google in 1998”

In this tricks your Google search engine interface gets changed and converted into the past interface of 1998.

google in 1998

#36 Find multiple keywords

You above see to search keyword for only 1 word but if you want multiple keywords to search using below trick.

allintitle: Best temporary email 2023

Now some awesome things on google:

#37 The Zerg Rush Game

Searching for “zerg rush” create a platform where the whole page is eaten by ‘O‘s. Click O three times to kill it.

Also read: Make your Android Smartphone Hack-Proof from Hackers

zerg rush

#38 Do a Barrel Roll

Just search for ‘do a barrel roll‘ and you can see the search page get spin a few times.

do a barrel roll

#39 Google Gravity

Want to feel gravity in Google search engine also, just type below trick and feel gravity in Google engine now.

Google Gravity

#40 Search Range a Number

You can use 2 dots to search ranges of numbers.

Download PDF of Advanced Google Dorks

These are some basic google dorks and tricks that you can easily find out on google surface but some are confidential, which is generally used by Hackers to get information about their victims or to get payment details/bug/exploit to harm any person/sites.

This PDF includes:

  • Basic google dorks
  • Advanced google dorks
  • Credit Card dorks
  • Camera dorks
  • FTP Dork
  • PHP Dork
  • SQL Dork
  • MISC Dork
  • Password File Dork


These are the all best Google dorks tricks of 2023 you should use to get your perfect search result and make your life much easier to get any information, file without wasting much time from redirecting here to there. Don’t forget to download & share a free PDF that contains useful and very informative google dorks. Which one do google dork you like most, let us know in the comment box.

I hope this article helped you!

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